Our Work
Nepoworx has collaborated on projects with both private and public organizations. All our programs aim to achieve meaningful change. Learn more about our initiatives with our partners below:
Training and Work Readiness Services for Solar Installation
Nepoworx in partnership with Harambee, have developed a Work Readiness Programme which aims to bridge the gap between education and employment for 100 NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) and 20 SMMEs through comprehensive solar PV Green card training.
Programme Objectives:
Equipping participants with the essential skills and certifications required for the renewable energy sector. By collaborating closely with employers, the programme ensures that trainees are prepared for real-world applications of their skills, facilitating their smooth transition into the workforce while also helping the 20 SMMEs to become certified solar installers and sustain their own businesses.
Target Groups:
Youth - NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training)
SMMEs- Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises
Repair and Maintenance (IRM) Initiative
The NBI, in partnership with Nepoworx, government and the private sector, is implementing the Installation, Repair
and Maintenance (IRM) Initiative, aimed at expanding opportunities for SMMEs to embark on artisanal
learning and employment pathways.
Target Groups:
SMMEs- Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (in the Western Cape & Gauteng Province)
Nepoworx & Dorper Wind Farm Partner to Empower the Youth in Renewable Energy
Nepoworx and Dorper Wind Farm partnered in a Solar PV Training Programme to capacitate the youth in the communities of Molteno and Sterkstroom, in the Eastern Cape Province. The end goal was to enhance the technical skills of these youth thus enabling them to potentially gain employment in the renewable energy industry.
Target Group:
Youth: Age 18-35 years old
Green skills program
Nepoworx Renewable Energy Institution (Nepoworx) and the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MerSETA) are pleased to announce that the two entities have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to implement a nationwide green skills programme, targeting unemployed youth that are to be trained as Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Service Technicians.
Target Group:
Youth- 900 over a period of 3 years